FC30U Questionnaire

The FC30U questionnaire is aimed at updating and acquiring data (2016) to determine Standard Expenditure needs of municipalities, Unions of municipalities and mountain communities.

FC30U Questionnaire

Text version of the content

The FC30U questionnaire is aimed at updating and acquiring data (2016) to determine Standard Expenditure needs of municipalities, Unions of municipalities and mountain communities.

The infographic describes the data of the questionnaire divided into 2 parts.

The first form, Structural Data consists of the following boxes:

  • Box A - Specific elements of the territory. E.g: Markets, pedestrian areas, cycle paths, green areas, etc.
  • Box B - The methods of carrying out the services. E.g. Direct management, unions of municipalities, agreements, consortia, etc.
  • Box C - The characteristics of the Transport network. E.g: Bus, metro, tram, etc.
  • Box E - Structures and personnel used for public education and nursery services. E.g. surfaces, educators, number of local units, etc.
  • Box F - The instrumental equipment used. E.g. Motor vehicles, mopeds, special vehicles, etc.
  • Box M - The services provided. E.g. number of students, users, hours of assistance, sanctions, public kennels, door-to-door waste, garbage collection on call, tenders, projects, etc.

The second form, Data relating to personnel and accounting data consists of the following boxes:

  • Box D - The organic endowment of the institution. E.g.: staff of the employee body
  • Box T - Personnel costs. E.g: Remuneration of staff and employees
  • Box S - Management costs E.g.: expenses for services, for exceptional events, for interest and taxes, services managed in associated form, etc.
  • Box X - Reclassifications and accounting integrations